"For I know the plans I have for you", declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future".
Jeremiah 29:11

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Day 13 Post-Transplant

I can actually see the light at the end of the tunnel!
Rowan has been making slow and steady progress. She has been intubated for 8 days now.
Last night and today have been the first times in a week that she has not been extremely agitated when she has been awake. This morning she has watched tv, read books, and played with her rattle.

Tonight they are going to make her npo (nothing to eat) for extubation tomorrow! (in adults, the patients don't have to be npo before extubation, especially if they have a dobhoff tube- that's past the stomach- but who knows? Sometimes I get tired of asking questions... Actually, I will just ask later because that is bothering me now.)

Ok- I had to ask before I was finished with this post...
AND, there's no reason... "to prevent aspiration" from food in her stomach going into her lungs if she had to be re-intubated. But thre is no food in her stomach. The feeding tube in her nose is going past her stomach into the intestines.

And this is why I get irritated. By morning she will be so hungry that she is going to
get really agitated. I'm not kidding. Currently, she is on fentanyl, versed, Ativan, and methadone. I have heard them say inn report that she is a "sedation nightmare".

Hopefully, those days are behind us as this tube comes out soon. I cannot wait to hold my beautiful baby girl again! It has been one day shy of two weeks!
We have so much to be thankful for. Her liver is performing without any problems! Our family and friends have been so supportive. Chance and I feel like the trials and struggles we have faced in our lives earlier, were little ways God was preparing us for this time now.
We continue to praise Him for this blessing!


  1. You, Chance and beautiful baby Rowan are such an inspiration to us all. Thanks for making this blog, you have no idea how many people get on facebook daily to recieve news about Rowan. We are praying for her every day! Love yall! Rachel and Matt Melancon

  2. I love to read your notes each day about Baby Rowan - just gave my Alpha-Omega SS Class (First Methodist Longview) a report this morning. We will continue to keep you and your family in our prayers. Love ya, Mary Lou

  3. First of all...I LOVE the Liver and Onions. HILARIOUS and soooo creative. :)

    I am sorry about the NPO shenanigans. That doesn't make any sense at all...

    Give our love to Ro!!

  4. I am so thankful for the strength that God has given y'all to endure this. It's a true testament of faith. I will be praying for a smooth extubation tomorrow. It breaks my heart to think of not holding Soren for 2 wks, I can't imagine how hard that must have been. We'll be sending her a big hug tomorrow! Love, Marla and Soren
