"For I know the plans I have for you", declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future".
Jeremiah 29:11

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Day 15 Post-Transplant

We missed Daddy today. He was at work until very late last night, so he wasn't able to make it for a visit. Uncle Seth will have to serve as replacement:)

Rowan had a pretty good night. She did a lot of sleeping. I held her as soon as she woke up. Because she is still coming off of drugs, she has been a little jittery.

Ro's lungs aren't able to fully expand because of her big belly and liver. They are concerned about her shallow and rapid breathing, so they placed her on "high-flow" oxygen to prevent any collapse. She hates it, but it is the best thing at this time.

Her tacro (Prograf: anti- rejection medication) level was a little high today. She also started to run a slight low- grade fever. These are signs that she may have an infection. BUT they also held her feedings yesterday, so that could be the reason for the abnormal level.

Santa came to visit. His elves were with the FBI. (seriously) The gift they left for us was a black FBI hat. Maybe in 15years she will be able to wear it. I will save it for her until then.

Rowan pulled on his beard:)
And it's dark because I didn't have the flash on.... Bummer.

Also, our little Rowan is becoming a celebrity:) check her out: Baaware.posterous.com
Check out the other kids as well!

On another note:
There is a family here who has really touched our hearts. The day Rowan received her transplant, we met. The mother told me that day she was very happy for Rowan to receive a liver. She went on to say that she had lost a daughter needing a liver transplant and her small son is on the list as well. How could she be happy for us at that time? She had to have felt such pain at that time. I was in awe of her strength. We have kept up with them over the past couple of weeks (which seem like months). Unfortunately, her son has been getting worse. I saw her in the lobby today and we discussed how sick he was right now. I went to get some drinks, prayed at the chapel here, and placed a prayer card with his name on it on a tree there. When I returned to the lobby, about 10minutes later, the family let me know they had just received THE call. He is getting a liver! What an amazing and overwhelming feeling.

So much to be thankful for.


  1. What an awesome story of how prayer works! Keep us updated on how your little friend is doing too!

  2. I am so glad Rowan is doing well! I can't wait to come see her soon!:)

  3. Megan! I'm so glad that you jumped on the blogging bandwagon. :) I love seeing little Miss Rowan's updates. Colby and I have been praying for her every night, and I'm so thankful to see that she's doing so great. This story about your new friends brought tears to my eyes. God is good...all the time. Sometimes we forget how powerful prayer can be. Thank you for sharing!!!

  4. I'm so glad to hear Rowan is extubated and heading in the right direction! We'll be praying for her and her tacro tonight!
