"For I know the plans I have for you", declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future".
Jeremiah 29:11

Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 75- Success

Ro's morning started with her Friday appointment at physical therapy. Last week we missed due to the snow, so there was a lot to show off. And Rowan performed her tricks so well. Flipping, rolling, sitting, reaching- all received an A+

So well that our therapist told us not to come back!

Then we headed to our beloved scale. We have been working so hard not to get that tube replaced.... And I guess the mashed potatoes helped us out-

In one week Rowan went from 17.15lbs to 18.3! Wowza!

I called our Houston dietician before we could even get out of the building.
She mentioned that at our appointment on Wednesday we will discuss decreasing the concentration. I was thinking we should just go ahead and do that now, but I guess they are waiting for her to become gigantic!

Afterwards, we all decided to gain weight at The Cheesecake Factory :)

We went for a quick walk this afternoon.
What a blessed day!


  1. I love the picture of her looking at the camera while she is on the scale...she is the prettiest baby! What a comeback she is making! So happy for her! Go Rowan!!!!

  2. It is amazing she just doesn't start to holler when entering a sterile"" room (Docs office) But then she is your child ...strong , self relient, determined and oh so very very precious!!
