Tonight will be the first time she has received a transfusion in almost 2days- yay!
Her body is still attacking her red blood cells, just at a much slower rate.
She will continue on the IVIG until Friday, then start to wean off the steroids.
If her body begins to rapidly attack her red blood cells again when they start to wean off the prednisone, it may be her prograf causing this AIHA (autoimmune hemolytic anemia).
We will find out soon enough how it goes:)
Daddy is at the hospital for our first lovenox injection. I'll ask for the report... Glad I wasn't there;) although it's going to be a twice a day thing from here on out for a while.
(Turning off the IV heparin, and switching to our shot form of blood thinners.)
Paddy cake, paddy cake.
We love to read!
Most likely getting kicked out of PICU tomorrow. Hoping we could go straight to 12(our favorite floor), but Ro is still too fragile and busy for them to monitor. So, we will probably move to PCU (step-down icu).
Ro has been fussy today on and off and I am worn out from trying to entertain...
Thanks for the thoughts and prayers!!!
I am amazed by y'all's strength and faith, and by rowan's resilience! Modern medicine truly is a miracle, and I'm so glad to hear that the IVIG has been working! Rowan and all of you will continue to be in our prayers! We will miss you both at the playdate tomorrow!