"For I know the plans I have for you", declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future".
Jeremiah 29:11

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Dentist, Diners, and Dates


The Dentist:
Because of Ro's "medical history" she has to take a dose of antibiotic before any dental procedures.  No big deal-  it was amoxicillin and it smelled like pure Heaven, sugar, and bubblegum all mixed together.

We arrived and Rowan immediately gravitated towards the fish tank.  We waited, realized mom was a complete idiot for leaving without the diaper bag, and then pooped in our pants.  Great.

So, I went back to the car and found a pair of big girl panties just praying we'd be ok.  If she had an accident, I was going to pretend she was already potty trained ;)

When the exam started, I was the one getting nervous... They had her sit in my lap, not in the chair.  NO DIAPER kept flashing through my head.  

There were two bad spots that popped up after Rowan's last admission.  She was 12 months old, inpatient for a couple of months, and the last thing on our minds was brushing teeth.  A little cleaning and sealant and she was good to go.  Tears, yes.  But this was a breeze compared to any IV starts.

 The best news, she didn't pee- until I put her in the carseat...
Why didn't I take her to the bathroom afterwards?!?  She probably would have gone!

The Diner:

 This is ketchup and tartar sauce.  Yum?!

The Date:
Rowan went to an awesome birthday party with all of her friends from "mom's lunch".  
It was at The Little Gym... Bunches of mats and room to run!

She did. not. stop. moving. 
I didn't get any pictures:( Afterwards, Ro ate an entire piece of pizza and devoured a cupcake too! 

Use your brain and just imagine these pictures are from the party (even though they aren't)...


Of course this play place wasn't as cool as the party, but you get the gist...

Next week we have labs to check on Ro's amazing liver... It's been 3 months since we've seen those those numbers...excited to see the results :)


  1. Well, it's seems that you had a relatively delightful dental appointment - any visit that ends in a success is something to be proud about. Anyway, it is normal for parents to be nervous for their children when they finally get to sit on the dental chair. It's hard to get them used to the dentist, and it's a relief when they make progress in that regard.

  2. Considering you didn't have a hard time at all during that visit, it's probably a sign that you won't have any problems with visits and consultations in the future. It's so amazing to see a toddler like her in that condition.
