Washing off a firefighter tattoo on her arm she said "bye daddy!"
I asked her several times what she wanted to be for Halloween... She repeated every Toy Story and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse character. So I picked Minnie Mouse. Halfway through the construction I had her try it on and exclaimed, "Yay you're Minnie." She responded "NO, BUZZ". Too bad kid, you're going to be Minnie...
She is very particular about matching her "jammies".
We had a little permanent marker coloring mishap. She wanted to "color juice" because I write her name on the juice cups with permanent marker.
She wanted a "box for car". A to-go box for her food.
Asked her if she was ready to get up and go to school... We were already running late. She exclaims "no, stay in bed".
When we drive home a particular way, if she really doesn't want to go home, she'll say "stop it, mommy!" every time at the same corner.
She LOVES to walk up to kids her size a say "HI, HI, HI"... Really close, in their face. She invades the personal space bubble.
No food can be hot temperature wise... Not even remotely too hot. Luke warm to cold is the best.
She likes to be a hippo in the bathtub.
And lastly, after watching Mary Poppins several times we've gotten into glove wearing. But Rowan prefers plastic ziplock baggies as her "glubs".
Tomorrow we head to Austin for a flu shot and hep B booster. Her hep B level was low, so we're just killing two birds...
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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